Pursuing Excellence. Together
We believe that every student is capable of successful learning and have high expectations for student engagement, attendance, behaviour and learning outcomes. Our small size means that we are able to build strong relationships with each of our students. Boys feel motivated in the classroom when they feel like the teacher truly knows who they are and truly cares. This is the first step in laying a foundation for teaching that both challenges and supports boys in their growth.
We impress upon our students that they have a responsibility to themselves to maximise natural gifts and talents and to become positive contributors in a world that they will one day be in charge of. More than just delivery of curriculum that equips students with the skills expected of modern-day workforces, our main task in educating students is to build a culture that celebrates effort and provides strategies for coping when effort is not always immediately rewarded.
Happy, Healthy, Engaged, Successful

At Simonds Catholic College, boys become well balanced men with character, poised to carry the competitive advantage they gain from six years of Catholic Education into a future that is both challenging and exciting.
Learning connected to Wellbeing
We know how important wellbeing is to learning. Evidence demonstrates the strong association between the development of social and emotional skills for wellbeing, health and safety, and the positive impact this has on students' learning outcomes.
Our school is a learning community that promotes student wellbeing, safety and positive relationships so that students can achieve success and reach their full potential.
We do this by:
1. Creating a safe, orderly and supportive environment that combines a focus on learning with a focus on wellbeing - without one, the other will not happen.
2. Building the capability of staff, students and the school community so that we are always improving.
3. Developing strong systems for early intervention and response, so that problems are identified early and dealt with appropriately.
Wellbeing Programs
Through our wellbeing programs and activities, many of which are lead by students, guided by our Wellbeing Coordinator, we teach and promote compassion, resilience and support.
Our staff, too, are charged with the responsibility of modelling individual endeavour, collaborative action and respectful communication, for it is only through endeavour, collaboration and respect that a healthy future can be assured. In retaining a focus on practical skills through our VCE Vocational Major program and technology classes, which range from food preparation to computer aided design, we complement the essential academic skills of literacy and numeracy with life skills that enable our students to become more self-sufficient in their homes and communities.
Learning Support
The Simonds teaching staff recognise the wide spectrum of learning profiles within each class. Students with diverse learning needs are supported in the classroom by Learning Support Officers and through Individual Learning Plans that include customised learning goals and modified curriculum and assessments.
SPARK stands for “Simonds Program for Accelerated Reading and Knowledge”. As it sounds, SPARK is a separate subject with a focus on developing the reading skills of students who need extra support in this area. SPARK classes consist of no more than eight students and they run in place of languages in Years 7 to 9.
StepUp to VCE
StepUp is designed to support students with the language and vocabulary requirements of year 10 English, Humanities, Maths and Science. StepUp is taught by a combination of specialist teachers from those faculties, who are able to provide subject specific knowledge. By focussing on the core skills, of the core subjects, StepUp will build the confidence of students, whether they decide to pursue a VCE or VCE Vocational Major pathway.
Technology for learning and communication
We transitioned from iPads to laptops. From 2020 all students are required to purchase a Lenovo laptop through the school.
The use of this device and our online Learning Management System (iSimonds) allows students to learn anytime, anywhere; whether it be during formal teaching time, private study or at home. Classrooms are fitted with large LED televisions that enable teachers and students to wirelessly present lessons and student work via Apple TV connectivity. Even the more fundamental technology allows the College to interact with our parent community more efficiently, ranging from absentee notifications by SMS to the availability of online bookings for school events such as Parent Teacher Interviews and School Tours.